Post an Internship

Find top students from around the country

Job Information

Be specific about what is expected of your interns, how many hours per week they can expect to work, what technologies and tools they'll be using, and whether your program is paid or unpaid. This helps students understand what you do better, and will improve the quality of applicants you receive.

This won't be shared with users, rather this is so our team can get in touch with you should we have any issues.

Company Information

We know this is for a remote position, but applicants still want to know where a potential employer's HQ is located.

This should be the url of your company's homepage, not your job posting or application.

Find top students quickly

COVINTERN uses our network of hundreds of students from top universities to fill your position with a great remote intern.

COVINTERN is completely free and will never charge you to list a student opportunity.